Friday, December 3, 2010

New Website

All posts from here on out will be on our other site. Check it out

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Wed, Nov 24 2010

Skill: Muscle Ups

3 Rounds for Time:
7 Muscle Ups
14 Burpee over Parellette
21 KB Swings (2 pood/1.5 pood)

Check out this article from an early edition of the CrossFit Journal for info on the Muscle-up

Tuesday Nov 23, 2010

Skill Work – Deadlift, Sumo Deadlift High Pull, Push Press CF Cert Progressions

3 Rounds
9 Deadlift
7 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
5 Push Press
Run 400 M

Maintain a good pace on the 400m run to keep your times low!

* No classes will be held this thursday the 25th for Thanksgiving. Classes will resume Friday Morning

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mark Your Calendar

Free Intro Classeses!

As of Saturday Nov. 13 we’ll be offering a special intro class every Saturday at 10:00 especially for newbies! This class will be geared towards people with little or no CrossFit experience, but will pack a punch for those of you that are ready for a challenge. We’ll go over exercises in detail and answer some frequently asked CrossFit questions. There will, of course, also be a high-intensity, butt-kicking workout to give you a taste of what we’re all about!

Current members are encouraged to bring their friends to the free intro class and join them in the workout.

Send us an email to let us know you'll be stopping by .

Monday, November 8, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Warm up:
3 sets:
5 Reps of Front Squat @ 60% of 1-RM
5 Bar Roll-outs

Rest 3 minutes

10 Min Amrap:
7 Thruster (115 lb./85 lb.)
14 KB swings (24 kg /16 kg)
7 C2B Pull-ups

Clip of Tyler and Kyle completely spent after finish 10 torturous minutes of hard work

Monday, November 8th 2010

New Managing your Menu Episode @ the Bench in Stony Brook. Having fun while keeping it Paleo. Although it may take some obedience, dining out does not always have to consist of a Bacon cheeseburger, mashed potatoes or heavily battered and greased up fries.

Keep it simple and stay fresh, stick with the meat and Veggies.. click the link below to see how its done.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Be sure to follow us weekly for our updates on Managing the Menu.

Our goal is to give some insight on healthier way of living. We will be assessing what some may feel is a "healthy diet" along with touching on common excuses some individuals make for their poor eating habits. As you're following us week to week feel free to post any comments or criticism's you may have as this may bring on great topics to discuss. Click the link below to check out our latest clip.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Monday, October 25 2010

Take 10 minutes to find 1-RM Clean & Jerk

rest 2 min

5 Rounds For Time:
10 Hang Clean (M: 135 lb./F: 65 lb.)
50 Double Unders

Managing Your Menu Episode II

Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010


Back Squat , Take 15 Minutes to work up to one rep max. Take two minutes in between sets.



Bench press 65% of one rep max
knees to elbows
ring dips
6 ft broad jumps

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

20 min running Clock:
Find Max Box Jump in inches
Take no more than 2 sets to bench BW max reps
Take no more than 2 sets to do max rep Pullups (strict, kipping or butterfly)
Take no more than 2 sets to do max reps 1.5BW Back Squats
Complete as many 400m run(s) with remaining time (only completion of full 400m run counts as 1)

Take best sets of each exercise adding up inches, reps and completed 400m run for score...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New Blog Series "Managing the Menu" hosted by Port CrossFit Inc.

First Lesson: Don't Eat Tostitos at 10:30pm

Each week we'll be uploading a video critiquing our local food menus. We will provide insightful ideas for a healthier lifestyle.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Take 10 minutes to find 3-RM Clean

rest 2 min

5 Rounds for Time:
6 Power Clean (135 lb. / 105 lb.)
12 Box Jump
400m run

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Monday, October 11th, 2010

For 10 minutes:
First 5 min
Snatch-grip Deadlift
3 reps on the minute every minute
Last 5 min (adjust weight)
3 reps on the minute every minute

rest 2 min

Snatch & Run yall...
1 round for time:
30 Snatch (115 lb./ 95 lb.)
800m run

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Friday, October 8th, 2010

Lets catch up on some running...

1600m run
rest 2 min
1200m run
rest 90 seconds
800m run
rest 60 seconds
400m run

Preferably rest 3+ hours.. but if two trips to the gym is out of the question then give yourself a few minutes of rest

2 sets of each:
15 reps of Hang Clean
15 GHD sit-ups
15 reps of Bench Press
15 Knees-to-elbows
15 Back ext

24 Years ago today your very own trainer, Ryan Hughes was born. Happy Birthday Ryan!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

“The baby-carrot industry tried to reposition its product as junk food, starting a $25 million advertising campaign whose defining characteristics include heavy metal music, a phone app and a young man in a grocery cart dodging baby-carrot bullets fired by a woman in tight jeans…”

Told to Eat Its Vegetables, America Orders Fries


lets crank up the Thrusters!
resting 90 seconds between sets

2 min of box jumps for reps
rest 60 seconds
2 min of rowing for calories
rest 60 seconds
2 min of Burpees for reps
rest 60 seconds
2 min of Thrusters for reps (75 lb./55 lb.)

All four exercises added together is your score..

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lack Of Sleep Can Make Dieters Lose Muscle Instead Of Fat


7 minutes of barefoot jump rope

rest 90 seconds

Bench Press @ BW
Weighted Chin-up
resting 1 min between sets

rest 90 seconds

For Time:
60 Double Unders
50 Wall Balls (20 lb./14 lb.)
40 Double Unders
30 Kettlebell Swings (1.5 pood/1 pood)
20 Double Unders
10 Muscle-ups

Unable to do a muscle-up? [2 jumping muscle-ups=1 muscle up] OR [2 dips+2 Pullups=1 Muscle-up]

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Concurrent Endurance and Strength Training Not to Failure Optimizes Performance Gains. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 42, No. 6, pp. 1191–1199, 2010.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the efficacy of 8 wk of resistance training to failure versus not to failure training regimens at both moderate and low volumes for increasing upper- body strength and power as well as cardiovascular parameters into a combined resistance and endurance periodized training scheme.
Methods: Forty-three trained male rowers were matched and then randomly assigned to four groups that performed the same endurance training but differed on their resistance training regimen: four exercises leading to repetition failure (4RF; n = 14), four exercises not leading to failure (4NRF; n = 15), two exercises not to failure (2NRF; n = 6), and control group (C; n = 8). One-repetition maximum strength and maximal muscle power output during prone bench pull (BP), average power during a 20-min all-out row test (W20min), average row power output eliciting a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmolILj1 (W4mmolILj1), and power output in 10 maximal strokes (W10strokes) were assessed before and after 8 wk of periodized training.
Results: 4NRF group experienced larger gains in one-repetition maximum strength and muscle power output (4.6% and 6.4%, respectively) in BP compared with both 4RF (2.1% and j1.2%) and 2NRF (0.6% and j0.6%). 4NRF and 2NRF groups experienced larger gains in W10strokes (3.6% and 5%) and in W20min (7.6% and 9%) compared with those found after 4RF (j0.1% and 4.6%), whereas no significant differences between groups were observed in the magnitude of changes in W4mmolILj1 (4NRF = 6.2%, 4RF = 5.3%, 2NRF = 6.8%, and C = 4.5%).
Conclusions: An 8-wk linear periodized concurrent strength and endurance training program using a moderate number of repetitions not to failure (4NRF group) provides a favorable environment for achieving greater enhancements in strength, muscle power, and rowing performance when compared with higher training volumes of repetitions to failure in experienced highly trained rowers

(Article courtesty of OPT)


5 Rounds for time:

1 Deadlift
2 Handstand Push Ups
3 power cleans
4 Chest to bar pull-ups
Rest 90 seconds between rounds

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Monday, October 3, 2010

Back Squats working to 1-RM

Rest 90 seconds

4 Rounds for time:
10 Squats @ 60% 1-RM
10 Shoot-throughs on Parallettes
40 Double Unders (unbroken)
Follow "mov" or "wmv" link. Whichever is accessible through your PC or laptop

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010

Front Squat

rest 90 seconds

4 rounds resting 1 minute between each round:
10 Squat Clean
15 GHD sit-ups
400m run
Scoring is your slowest round.
No stopping during the round, thats what the 1 minute is for. Chose an appropriate weight on the squat clean; a weight that requires work BUT will not have you resting throughout the set of 10.
good squat clean

Thursday, September 30, 2010


5 Sets of 5 @ 70% of 1 Rep Max

resting no more than 90 sec in between sets

For time:

4 Rounds

20 Ring Dips

10 Goblet squats (2 pood/1.5 pood)

400m run

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Part 1:

In 10 minutes 2-RM Clean (Power or Hang) & Burpees:

Use the first 2 minutes to warm up with bar or lightweight then proceed to work toward your 2-RM. After finding your 2-RM, use the remainder of the 10 minutes to perform Burpees for max reps. Ex: It takes 7 minutes to acheive a 215lb. 2-RM and in 3 minutes you performed 50 Burpees then your score is 265.

rest 90 seconds

Part 2:

Max Reps
4 min Air Squats
rest 30 sec
3 min Pushups
rest 30 sec
2 min Situps
rest 30 sec
1 min Muscle-ups

Add Part 1 & Part 2 and post your results

**New On-ramp Program Begins Monday October 11th**

For those of you who may be interested in starting here at Port CrossFit; Our on-ramp program is a 12 class program teaching all major fundamentals of crossfit. The program will meet 3 days a week for four weeks. Spots are limited, Call today to sign up.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Row 1000m

For Time:
Deadlift @ 70-75% of 1-RM
C2B Pullups
SDLHP (1.5 pood/1pood)

Monday, September 27, 2010

4 Sets
Push Press x 5
Rest 90 Seconds
10 Min AMRAP:
10 x 30"/24" Box Jump
10 Pullups

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday, Sept 24, 2010

Take 10 - 12 min to find 1-RM of Split Jerk
rest 2 min

3 Rounds:
Counting your reps take 1 min at each station:
Thruster (95 lb/75 lb)
Double Unders (best unbroken string of D.U in a min)
Kettlebell Swings (1.5 pood/1 pood)
GHD Sit-ups
rest 1 min

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Thurs, September 23, 2010

10 Ring Pullups
15 Squat
Rest 2 min
10 Ring Dip
15 Box jump
Rest 2 min
5 Muscle-up
5 Snatch (70% 1-RM)

Some Words of Advice: Might be best not to let yourself get into this position

Wed, September 22, 2010

The Ladder...

1 min on
1 min rest
1 min on
50 sec rest
1 min on
40 sec rest
1 min on
30 sec rest

..... "ladder" your rest down to 10 seconds then work your way back up to one min rest with 10 second increments..

Monday, September 20, 2010

Tuesday, Sept 21, 2010

Its a good day for Cleaning...

For 25 minutes; every minute on the minute
3 Power Clean (First 15 min)
3 Clean & Press (Final 10 min)

Be sure to keep proper form throughout the entirity of this workout. The repetition of the exercise will lead to perfecting the movement. FORM IS CRITICAL! If your form begins to lagger then lower the weight.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

Warm-up for 10 minutes on the rower

For Time:
100 Squats
90 Double Unders
80 Anchored Sit-ups
70 Push ups
60 Wall Balls (20lb./14lb.)
50 Burpees
40 SDLHP (1.5 pood/1 pood)
30 Knees-to-Elbows
20 Pullups
10 Handstand Pushups

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday, Sept 17, 2010

3 Push Jerk 70% of 1 RM
For 1o min on the min every minute

For Time:
10 Muscle-up
200m run
8 Muscle-up
400m run
6 Muscle-up
600m run
4 Muscle-up
400m run
2 Muscle-up
200m run

*If unable to perform muscle-up; 1 Muscle up=2 dip & 2 pull-ups

Thurs, Sept 16, 2010

taking no more than 90 seconds between sets
Rest 2 min

3 Rounds for time:
30 Wall Balls (20 lb/14 lb)
20 SDLHP (1.5 pood/1 pood)
10 Overhead Squat (95 lb./65 lb.)

Deadlift Battlewounds; Good Pull Chris

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday, Sept 15, 2010

Practice Pistol squats for 10 minutes making sure you are rotating legs equally.

8 minutes of barefoot jump-rope

8 minute AMRAP:
5 Handstand push-ups
5 Goblet Squats (2 pood)
10 box jumps

If unable to perform HSPU or Goblet Squats with 2 pood, then be sure to modify accordingly.

Nasty Pistol Squats!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Tuesday, Sept 14, 2010

Snatch 60% 1RM, Bench Press 80% - 100% BW, Pull-up (strict), Ring Dip
Resting no more than 1min30s rest between rounds

Rest 3+ hours

Take distance from last weeks 20 minute time trial; Beat your distance in less than 20 minutes

Mid-Hang Snatch Work. Rep 1 good form, Rep 2 shows the importance of knowing when and how to bail.

Monday, September 13, 2010

4 Rounds:
rep1: Deadlift
rep2: Deadlift & Shrug (Explosive as if you were going to clean)
rep3: Deadlift & Shrug (Same as rep 2)
rep4: Clean
rep5: Clean
rep6: Clean & Press
rep7: Clean & Press
Rest 2 min between Rounds
Weight should be so that all reps are connected having no rest in between.

Rest 3 min

3 Rounds for time:
5 Deadlift 70% of 1RM
10 Pullups
20 Burpees
40 Double Unders
1RM = 1 rep max
2 min rest between rounds. Highest time of all 3 rounds is your score.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

" Murph"

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.

This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it ‘Body Armor.’ From here on it will be referred to as ‘Murph’ in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

•1 mile Run
•100 Pull-ups
•200 Push-ups
•300 Squats
•1 mile Run
For time.

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it

Friday, September 10, 2010

A highly recommended site MobilityWod. Kelly Starrett is posting some great material, so take it in. We will be posting a link to the mobility wod on a daily basis for you to check out.

Workout of the Day:
Five rounds for time of:
Kettlebell Swings x 25 reps
Single-Arm DB Snatch + 2 Lunge Steps (with DB overhead) x 10 reps (i.e., 10 snatches, 20 steps)
Run 400 Meters

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thurs, Sept 9, 2010

Run: 20 minute time trial

Record distance and save

Rest 5 minutes

3 Sets each exercise:
15 back ext
15 Bench Press - 70% of BW
15 Back squats w/ BW
15 Pull-ups

*BW - Body Weight

Few Key Points of backsquat: Weight in heels, Chest up, Full Depth below 90 degrees, butt goes down and back, Knees do not track passed toes.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wed, September 8, 2010

Push Press
1m30s rest in between sets

2 rounds:
15 Kettle-bell swings (1.5 pood/1 pood)
10 GHD sit-ups
15 supermans

3 Rounds for Time:
400m run
15 knees-to-elbows followed by 10 pull-ups (pull-ups must be connected to knees-to-elbows)
10 ground-to-overheard (95 lb./75 lb.)

Ground-to-Overhead can be done according to your preference; Clean & Press, Clean & Jerk or Snatch.

Tuesday, Sept 7, 2010

3 Rounds:
Hold L-sit for max seconds taking 1 minute between sets
(if unable to hold L-sit then hold plank pose for 1 minute each round)

Rest 2 min

Take 10 minutes to work to your 1 rep max of power clean

Rest 2 min

3 rounds:
30 seconds each station with ongoing clock for max reps
Wall Balls (20lb./14lb.)
Ring Dips
Double Unders
Box Jumps (24 in./20in.)

2min 30 sec rest between rounds
Add total reps at end of workout

Workout influenced by OPT

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Friday, Sept 3, 2010

Five sets of:
Ring Dips – as many unbroken, full range of motion as possible
Rest 60 seconds
Ring Rows – as many unbroken, rigid plank position, full range of motion as possible
Rest 60 seconds

and then,

Three sets for time of:
50 Double Unders
Sprint 200 Meters
50-Yard Sled Pull
Rest 2 minutes

Mobility WOD

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Thurs, September 02, 2010

Workout of the Day:

Deadlift – Find your new one-rep max in five attempts or less.
(Maintain perfect posture and mechanics throughout the lift, or the lift does not count.)
and then,
For max reps:
45 seconds of Deadlift (use 70% of today’s 1-RM)
45 seconds of Rest
45 seconds of Handstand Push-Ups
45 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Deadlift
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Handstand Push-Ups
30 seconds of Rest
15 seconds of Deadlift
15 seconds of Rest
15 seconds of Handstand Push-Ups

and then,
Complete 100 Double-Unders for time.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Wed, September, 1, 2010

Snatch Deadlifts 3x3 resting 2 minutes between sets
rest 2 minutes
Snatch 3x4 resting 2 minutes between sets
rest 3 minutes
Squat 4x4 rest 2 minutes between sets
Rest 4 minutes
("3x4" would be 3 sets of 4 reps)

4 Rounds:
10 Burpees
25 Unbroken Pull-ups
3 min rest in between rounds

Unfortunately both Kyle and Tyler have trouble counting to 25. In this particular round Tyler completes 24 and Kyle completes 21!! No shaving reps fellas.. DQ'd!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Andy about to crush a " Fran" PR

Workout of the Day:

Use 10-15 minutes to find your new one-rep max
and then,
“The Chief”
Max rounds in three minutes of:
135/95 lb. Power Cleans x 3
Push-Ups x 6
Squats x 9
Rest one minute.
Repeat for a total of five cycles.

We're Going For it

This is our home page where we'll be regularly posting pictures and accomplishments of the people in our ever expanding community. Please send us pictures of any projects or accomplishments you have done or may be doing at this point in time. We would love to post them!

Port CrossFit!

Welcome to Port CrossFit! Our group fitness program called CrossFit is guaranteed to challenge your athletic skills, jumpstart your metabolism, and invigorate your mind and body. Come in and experience our innovative training program for yourself. Your first visit is FREE!